weird dreams and truth

” In order to be effective truth must penetrate like an arrow – and that is likely to hurt.” – Wei Wu Wei

i woke up just now after having the most bizarre dream i’ve had in a while, and this quote, leapt up and splashed me in the face as soon as i got the computer to pay attention, which is a profound synchronicity itself, both for the nature of the dream in relation to it and a variety of things i’ll not go into in this moment.

the dream was a thing i was prepared to document in detail, but a phone call arrived and time (about an hour of it now) has passed, and i return to this deciding it is not a thing i need to do. instead, a simple summary of someone whose presence has passed and the events that outlined how the truth landing and penetrating like that arrow, undoubtedly did hurt, and how sad it sometimes is that people withdraw from pain as if it can be avoided when it initiates and lives within… even if it sometimes takes an arrow and the appearance of an external arrival of pain to remind them.


a very odd happening this morning, while talking to my friend. he is recently married and enjoying in many ways. he pointed me to the wedding pictures and in them, i found once more the eyes. no, i’m not going to explain that.

but it is curious to me how they may be found in so many others. and it is curious how, in every case, finding them has the precise and same response and result here. always has. i think it likely always will. there’s comfort in that.

a short loopback, also in the realm of ‘requiring explanation’ and prefacing by saying i’ll not be giving it.

he has those eyes. he has that potential. he abandons it as he abandons everything that in any way breathes upon growing, becoming, doing more than wallowing in blood.

he has those eyes. but he murders all of it by preference, by choice, and by blindness. the irony of plucking those eyes out when they are what they are is at once sadness, horror, and disgust.

there is progress in this moment. no more the need to detail. no more the need to explain. only reference points. soon even these will no more be necessary. i sense it. feel it. am working on knowing it so i can forget it. soon. soon.

i smile.

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