Closing the door – A memory in two dimensions

this, the last conversation on the last night… and the first.

Shandala sighs softly…
Shandala says: A good evening to you, my friend. I fear my words will not be many this night.
Oakenthew says: I would be here, but if you need to be alone, I will be unoffended…just say the word.
Shandala says: If you mind not the silence…
Oakenthew says: Silence is a language all its own, Lady. I do not fear it.
Shandala says: It seems I am forever sitting here, mourning. I would tire of it, but there is a certain peace in it… which must sound odd…
Oakenthew says: Peace and mourning are mates, Lady…a balm to the soul when needed.
Shandala says: It is here I came…
Shandala says: When Talshalan passed…
Shandala says: So many moons ago.
Shandala says: It was here i came…
Shandala says: When I myself cross the barriers into the void…
Shandala says: And then again, when, by some odd quirk of destiny…
Shandala says: I was returned, restored.
Shandala says: Here, I bid farewell to the realm of nightmare, just before walking the Bridge of Fire to this place and time…
Shandala says: Here I sat when pondering what I could see rising like a shadow over us, not too very long ago…
Shandala says: When I thought perhaps there would be those among us with the same will as my own…
Shandala says: And now, here I am yet again… to accept that there was not so… and to release it…
Shandala says: As so many things… so many…
Oakenthew says: Have all fallen away, then? did none remain?
Shandala says: I suppose that statue is tired of me.
Shandala says: There are yet a few… those mostly those who seem to sleep more than wake.
Oakenthew says: statues have the one virtue, that of patience…
Shandala says: And two who swear to remain despite all… for which I love them dearly, even as I sigh for it.
Shandala says: Dunarch, an ancient and well trusted friend…
Oakenthew says: Two such friends are riches, dear heart…
Shandala says: Who, I think, has become slightly maddened… for he swears he can see it rebuilt. I have not the faith to believe again…
Oakenthew says: Indeed not. Such is not your fate, I think.
Shandala says: And Daezen, though he most often sleeps… this night he woke, only to insist he be returned…
Shandala says: Saying that he would not see me wander empty hallways, heavy hearted.
Shandala says: It is a kindness, but he sleeps most often… so I ponder… is it not the same but for the thought?
Shandala says: The thought does, of course, count.
Shandala says: I am muddled. A puddle in the rain.
Oakenthew says: Somewhat…but not as much as deeds, eh?
Shandala says: Aye…
Shandala says: There is only to endure the vultures and then, truly, it is done.
Shandala says: Perhaps they will be kind. But I do not count upon it.
Oakenthew says: It is a hard thing…and yet, another step on the path.
Shandala says: Aye, shuffling forward slowly is yet to move forward.
Oakenthew says: How well I know…it is my usual pace.
Shandala says: Ah, my friend, perhaps that is the way of it… (thoughtful look)
Shandala says: Perhaps when we most closely walk in the light, we least know it. Would it not be an irony? So… common.
Shandala says: It is strange… my heart is heavy, but my spirit, light. I puzzle on it…
Oakenthew says: There is a time of growth and a time of rest, dear friend. Take this as a time of rest, and use the time to store energy. Heal and rest for a time…winter, if you will.
Shandala says: Indeed.
Shandala says: This is not as deep a wound as was once dealt. I am thankful for it.
Shandala says: Even as it is the same type of wound… which seems unusual… but perhap… hrm… I know not.
Oakenthew says: and your friends are about you yet. do not despair, good Lady…there is still much good, as I so recently discovered.
Shandala says: Hmm? How so?
Shandala says: I do not despair. It is as it is.
Shandala says: All things change. It would be foolishness to try to shift the very universe.
Oakenthew says: By the presence of my friends, I have come out of the depths of despair, though I bear the marks still.
Shandala says: I am only saddened for visions of what might have been, which, in the end, were only my aspirations… and there are yet things precious that remain and are unaffected.
You smile at Oakenthew.
Shandala says: Aye, just so.
Oakenthew smiles, and taps shandala on the knee. “You cannot escape your friends so easily!”
Shandala chuckles
Shandala says: I have never so sought.
Oakenthew says: Do not…I have found it a useless pursuit.
Shandala says: Which is likely a blessing, avoiding such thoughts, they would turn treasure to silt.
Shandala says: It is, in some ways, release and relief.
Shandala says: To have it happen as opposed to fear its happening.
Oakenthew says: A lifting of a burden, though one you voluntarily shouldered…a burden nonetheless.
Shandala says: Aye… mistakes made… now liberated both from the burden of them and the burden of wishing I had made different choices.
Shandala says: White shores… in the distance, who knows what lands await?
Oakenthew says: Indeed. Many a strange and unseen land awaits.
Shandala says: Once upon a time…
Shandala says: There was one I much cherished who departed…
Shandala says: His last words to me were so…
Shandala says: I did not understand them in that moment.
Shandala says: He said..
Shandala says: ‘Grieve if you must, but do not despair… white shores are calling, we shall meet again.’
Shandala says: I have not yet found those white shores… perhaps some day…
Shandala says: I will…
Oakenthew says: ah, indeed? There is hope in that…
Shandala says: I suspect they lay far and away. But to believe they exist is often itself, enough to carry on.
Shandala says: Odd, synchronicity. I should be used to it by now… yet I am surprised. (crooked smile)
Oakenthew says: we have talked of the nature of hope before, Lady. It is adamant against despair.
Shandala says: So it is.
Shandala says: Another irony. (chuckle)
Shandala says: A lesson learned, now faced… it’s edges smoothed by the insight.
Shandala says: No more lacerations upon its presence. A blessing. (smile)
Oakenthew says: For every lesson a price, dear. It is up to us to make the lesson worthy of the price.
Shandala says: It is the ache that lingers, of course. For that which was, in this moment, remembered. Flowers upon the grace, but still… flowers.
Shandala coughs…
Shandala says: grave…
Shandala says: Grace is a convenient slip, no?
Shandala chuckles softly…
Oakenthew says: and significant…for it is a grace to have the flowers.
Shandala blushes softly…
Shandala says: I would not cast stones upon a thing that was treasured… what manner of remembrance would such be?
Shandala closes her eyes a time… [[ afk ]]
Oakenthew says: Lady, the House you grew and nurtured was a thing of worth, though others may have seen it not. Though gone, it’s memory remains, and it is a thing of aspiration for others to hope to equal. the memories are precious.
Shandala says: Thank you, my friend. It is one thing to bring one’s roses to set upon the grave… another to have the blossoms of others set there.
Shandala says: I am weary. I shall take my rest here. Thank you for being here, for being here for me, and most of all, for being you.
Oakenthew says: the grave will bear many roses, before the time is done, good Lady.
You smile at Oakenthew.
Shandala says: Perhaps. But to have even one is a gift.
You smile at Oakenthew.
Shandala says: So thank you.
Oakenthew says: I will leave you to your meditations. My love of you remains, as does that of many others. Take heart!
Shandala says: It is not mine..
Shandala says: To take.
Shandala says: I give it away… this is the point. (soft smile)
Shandala says: Be well, my friend.
Oakenthew says: Fare ye well. I shall hope to see you again soon.

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