“Once you make a friend, a friend never leaves you, even to death. So a friend is really hard to find.” –Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
Once, an Elder told me he made a decision to be my friend. He said this friendship wasn’t based on my behavior or how I acted; he said the friendship was based on his decision. He decided to be my friend. This friendship has happened like he said. Even if I don’t see him for a long time, or if I get mad at him, he has never changed his decision. This is true friendship.
the item written above is by a fellow who posts regularly (like once a day) to a certain tribe and those posts are always something that underscores simple truths.
like this one.
stars. i wish i could just send this one little thing to everyone i know and care for… i wish they could just receive this one, little thing from me and really, really get it. know it. understand it. let it sink in.
topic shift whiplash alert…
i’m still home with the ol’ pink eye. turns out the ointment they gave me isn’t really proven to do diddly and the average recovery time is five days. bleh. i could have saved myself some money to just stick with the compresses and keeping them washed out.
oh well. live and learn.