04-20-07 random thoughts

funny how the universe sends along such timely things.

i’ve been a bit in the dumps this last week. not so far as to despair, but approaching it. a nod to the calendar, age, and such… the timing is noted.

but today has been very kind. emails and such ‘out of the blue’ that lend kindness and care. i am thankful.

my daughter arrives tomorrow. i regret i am this broke. but there are free things and company trumps cash in every case. so i’m not going to fret it.

work is still wonderful. i feel very fortunate.

the loneliness is still around, but not as heavy. which is nice.

the urge to write is drying up as it usually does when i’m living. i suppose that’s a good thing.

i’ve been having serious thoughts of completely unplugging and being a luddite for a while. it just seems to be a torment otherwise. undecided. i let it work itself out in the back room.

i got my hair cut. again. short for summer. also to lose the remainder of the very bad mistake make in february. hah. the relief in that hair grows is a lesson that spins like a pinwheel over several areas of the mind.

i’m at loose ends. kind of floppy and oddly content to be so. hard to explain.

focus in effect. it’s not ‘done’ yet. idle and wondering what’s next. not that it matters.

i find i miss aramand. which seems strange. oak writes regularly. what a treasure.

i think my motherboard is dying. won’t matter if i unplug, but if not, hah… well, it won’t matter then either, now will it?

i think i like random more than i used to.   

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