05-07-07 general update

hurray, i’m employed. other news follows…

a friend got me interested in this place called ‘twitter’. simple concept really, 140 characters on command, a place to send the random thoughts, shout outs, moments of ‘duh’, and such. i’ve been using it for about a day. not sure it’s more than the usual vanity outlet, but i suppose it could be interesting if i were to snag ‘the friends’ to do it, too. hmm. thinking about that.

my daughter has sent me some manner of surprise for mother’s day. she’s giddy. i’m curious. it’s coming overnight. guess i’ll know tomorrow. she called to tell me that she shipped it and relay a tale of being annoyed that everyone thinks because she is young and beautiful, she likely doesn’t have money. i laughed. my little star… she is such delight.

i am suddenly gaining the attention of males. who knows what is up with that. several invitations to coffee and conversation. it’s humorous how wary i feel. i’d say ‘once bitten, twice shy’, but i much more a fool than that… it’s more like ‘eleventy-billion times bitten, finally beginning to get shy’.  hah. we’ll see.

the weird week has passed. i managed to not crash. i begin to wonder if perhaps there really is something to pmdd or if, maybe, i’m closer to ‘the change’ than i think. all this rollercoaster oddness the two weeks prior is just not funny anymore. yeah, i know, too much information. well, deal. i have to. (grin)

i’m contemplating getting a desktop back online. i realize now that to do the things my mind and spirit are called to do creatively, a laptop just isn’t going to work. so… budgeting time. slowly and surely, i will find the way.

not much else. my head is filled with thoughts of effecting this transition out of technology. i’m so thankful to have found the opportunity i engage tomorrow that i could just spit. marketing director. hah. i’m so tempted to…. but of course i won’t. but i sure will think about it. for a little while, anyway.

despite how it may sometimes read, i never lose sight of the fact that life is beautiful. but i savor the clouds as well as the sky… which i suppose is weird to some. but it’s kind of my way to honoring suchness. how else will i ever truly find the middle way so long as i insist clouds must be condemned and only sky, blessed and praised?

eyeore smiles, a crooked, toothy, somewhat feral looking grin. suchness. hah. it really is ok.

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