recording available: cool-to-be-kind.mp3
read on for the words…
sitting very still, listening
already knowing the words
already knowing the play
listening still
because one must
be cool to be kind
no inflection, no sarcasm
no anger or hurt or despair
just to listen, to accept
that it is what it is
the weight of ego or pride
often cruelty, too many
would throw them, rocks
to shatter crystal hope
but if beauty and life
be the goals, and if
love is the only law
what place, such rocks
such ego, such pride?
most would say one must
be cruel to be kind
must burn the bridge
must scorch the earth
but it is much easier
to break an egg than
to put one back together
so said the nursery rhyme
and it is still true
it takes so little
to fan hope to life
less still
to extinguish it
given the choice
as another struggles
as souls hang in the balance
if there is true love
free and free to be
it is not kind to be cruel
rather, like spring
a soft touch on the first day
loving and giddy to see life
happy to see hope
content to see relief
ego and pride may growl
in their shadowed corners
remain feral and unfed
it is my choice, mine
to be cool to be kind