96% Gibbon

i am tired. the moon waxes as i wane and, in typical fashion, every karmic hailstone that is scheduled decides to fall in this moment.

annoying, the regularity of it all.

work is grand, though stupidly busy. home life is peaceful but for the turbulence of a friend’s struggles to the west. advice given, there is little more to do than pray, hope, and wait to see what happens.

i am tired. hrm. i think i said that already, didn’t i? what i didn’t say (here, yet) is that i’m sore with worry for this friend. i could elaborate, but will not. speaking things seems to have odd ability to make them real.

let’s hope thinking them is less effective.

dinner downed and a small offering of chocolate to the hormonal horrors, i’m going to lay down a bit.

tonight’s comforting thought — this too, shall pass. 

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