
now and again, something so odd happens that it is all but impossible to avoid the conclusion that it has meaning beyond the expected.

events of the last three weeks have been slowly bringing to surface a need for action in relation to certain things. today, something of a flashpoint, thought was loosed to action and in it, some small research to locate the appropriate words to encapsulate it.

all things set as they should be, those researched words confirmed in context and meaning, and then, placed, i returned one last time to the research stacks to read further, the phrase having loosed strange pebbles in the mind that i wished to chase down and still.

the oddity? that, upon my return, and despite some time of careful recreation of the terms and phrasings that led to the initial choice, the words refuse to rise again to be reviewed.

literally. i cannot find them.

puzzlement turned to bemusement which flared briefly into ache before passing away utterly. somehow, that is how it should be and thus, how it is.

abandon all hope of fruition. kam-rawa as takna.


addendum: having been informed by three people that this is cryptic to the point of puzzlement, i return, briefly, to clarify that no, this is not in relation to anything of or in california.

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