color and enlightenment

someone was on a ramble elsewhere tonight about skin color. not one of those silly bias things, just a bit of fluff about differences.

funny thing is, there is no black nor is there a white. they aren’t colors, they’re simply absence of and fullness of. light, particularly.

the best black you can get is a deep blue, red or orange… and the best white you can get is a palest green, blue, yellow. which is interesting because it’s two primaries and a secondary in every case. a triad. heh. but that’s just my irish giggling.

color theory is interesting stuff. when you blend it with what we know of light and frequencies, it get downright curious.

besides, no matter what “color” we are on the outside, we’re all the same color on the inside. plenty of wars have proven that well enough. or perhaps not well enough, eh?

noticing what things have in common tends to put their differences out of care. i’m thinking that is probably the way it is supposed to be, but we humans, we sure are attached to our differences and averted from the ones we think we see in others.

sometimes it seems we never really grow up. but the sad thing is, we grow up enough to forget how to be a kid.

remember when you were a kid and your best friend was pissed at you and you were pissed at them and every night, you’d cry because you didn’t really want to be angry at them, but since they were so angry at you it just seemed like you had no choice?

or how, when you finally both got tired of being pissed, you just shrugged it off and suddenly, you didn’t have to even care about it anymore? you were best friends all over again and the past didn’t exist?

i think maybe that’s how enlightenment works.

but then, what do i know? (shrug)

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