lindor’s and light luxuries

obligatory entry time. nothing massive or deep to report. a beautiful day in which, for a change, i pampered MYSELF, damn it. heh.

work has been hella busy and i’m loving every minute of it, even as most days, it’s to be all but panting at the end of the day for the pell mell rush of it all. still, we’re making serious progress and i’m jazzed to see it happening before my eyes. been a long time since anyone just let me do what i know how to do. very nice indeed.

after work, i came home and sat here for oh… roughly ten minutes and then, suddenly, said to myself, ‘Self?!? I’ve had with you. Get your ass up and let’s go!’

And I did.

A very nice dinner, guilt-free and savored. Then, to wander local antique shops and bookstores and muse over bits and pieces. Then, to the beach to watch the sun set and contemplate things that I’ll not be putting to words here.

Then… home… a nice, hot shower… lindor’s white chocolate truffles with a spot of a good tea, and clean sheets under which the cats played until I shooed them out by tossing myself across it and just laying there a bit… stretched out, eyes closed, breathing and feeling alive.

Something is shifting here. And you know what? I think I like it.

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