friday night and….?

stream: amorphous androgynous’ “In Mind” followed in a smooth blend by Centovalley’s “Major Lake”. seems groove salad is getting the Dharma on tonight. heh. as for me… well, not much, really. this, the obligatory ramble… no idea where it’s going to go and that’s alright by me.

i’m starting to get comfy in the ebb and flow of things. it’s kind of nice not to fight the current, to actually realize it as such (hah! a pun!) and explore equanimity instead of wearing myself out reacting.

and i must say, it’s nice to come home just long enough to figure out where i want to go and then, go. i’ve got several choices for tomorrow and i can’t decide. so i’ll flip a coin or something when i wake up. heh. the camera is my companion and the sponge docks shots got enough reception to make another photo-excursion a fun idea.

writing has dried up a bit lately, but i know why and it’s ok. finally comfortable with the fact that it too, moves in currents and tides. the five years of quiet after the drive crash had me worried i might really be ‘done’ with writing. heh. as if. but i admit, i feared it pretty deeply for a time.

in a rather surprising gesture, the folks for whom i work have offered me a machine. it lacks only a hard drive (and conveniently, i have one laying here). i’m tempted. the only reason i haven’t pounced on it rests in it requiring upgrades to be on par with the laptop and i think i’d rather save that money for “the next machine” (whenever that happens). but the gesture brought tears to my eyes and a familiar tug inside. it’s been a while since someone’s been generous in my direction. humbling and a bit painful… as weird as that may sound. comforting but sharp… but only because i am tired of remembering the drought. mea culpa… (crooked smile)

rambling on… heh… i indulged in lindor’s earlier in the week (weekend?) and am down to three pieces. saving them. white chocolate is, by far, better than dark in my opinion… and to be sure lindor’s is dreamy compared to the waxy mess that is american chocolate.

hah. i’m interrupted by zen. she has this habit of using the water dish as a playtoy. you would not believe the things that find their way into what is supposed to be drinking water. sometimes, i think she just likes to hear me grouse as i empty, wash, and refill it. that and she likes to play squirrel at me as i bring it… all up on hind legs with neck extended as if she has NO IDEA what is in the dish i’m bringing. (chuckle)

hm. 9pm. torn between going out exploring and reading a book. ah, the tough choices!

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