oh… wow. :)

i admit it. freely. i’m hooked.

tonight i hooked up and flipped the power switch on an imac g5 powerpc. and… it… just… worked.

the usual and expected grumbles i’ve already encountered — none of my chat programs have mac version (WTF?!? Google? Trillian? ICQ? What the HELL are you thinking?), but otherwise, everything is migrating so smoothly that it’s almost scary.

I can’t wait to get iLife installed and kick open Garageband for the first time. Heh. I’m actually bouncing in my chair. Hell, I can’t decided if I’m going to use caps or not… that’s how giddy I am.

After losing too many years of work thanks to slipshod PC coding, the bloat and arrogance of Microsoft (gee, thanks, guys, you cost me 17 years of writing… um… seeya!), and the general and continuing factionalism on everything from drivers to chipsets… I am at long last… done. 😉

Hip….hip… HOORAY!

(Toddling off to have fun now. Enjoy your night!)

Addendum, 10:45pm – bleh. the Super Drive seems to be out of commission. Still, a deal for the price even with replacement. Just means I can’t get iLife or anything else installed tonight. It’s ok. Nice just to have everything else up and running. And after all, I need to get used to playing with the hardware… what geek doesn’t? (grin) May just get an external. Firewire. Hmmmmm.

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