sun day

an obligatory post.

it’s odd how at times, this process of keeping up with posting is more a discipline than a compulsion. lately, anyway. i find my interest in writing, like most things, runs in cycles. normal, i suppose. or perhaps it is that things are balancing out well enough that the need to catalog, archive, dissect, and ruminate lessens. hard to say.

so far as the moment is concerned, i am better. the stomach is still quite tender, but at least food is staying put and i am not miserable. the extra rest has done me well, for i had not realized how little sleep i was giving myself. i brief chuckle here, for in truth it is not so much that i’ve given it to myself as it is that others have not been in contact and thus, i rest.

old habits die hard, it seems. but i am more aware of them in this moment than i have been. a good thing.

i took myself to the bookstore today. rare treat, as i usually will refuse to buy books because i read them so quickly that it makes it feel like a waste of money.

but not today.

i found a new (?) series by Orson Scott Card that teases my temporal lobes in delightful ways. the story is of an America that never saw Spanish or English or French settlers. i don’t know much more than this except that in this alternate world, magic works and there are ‘types’ of people who have ‘knacks’; abilities that are hidden except among their own. i remember only two — ‘makers’, who have the ‘knack’ for understanding how things work (gnomes?!? surely not!) and ‘torches’, who have the ‘knack’ of knowing the fire in the hearts of others… whether it burns for positive or negative outcomes.

of course it was that second that caught me. i bought all six of the books, and once more broke my own rule about not buying series until they are completed. i suppose i don’t mind waiting like i used to… which is just as well, considering how often i wind up doing it. (wry grin)

i also treated myself to Tiger, the Mac OS X new version. slick and simple install, it went without a hitch. can i say once more that, were i inclined, i would kick myself a very long time indeed to have waited this long to go Mac? how ’bout a trite line to boot? heh. now that i’ve gone mac, i’ll never go back.

the guy at the retail outlet was a bit on the smirking side when he asked me how i liked it. i put on my consultant voice and by the time we were done, he was going to see about getting himself a mac. hah. i should sign up for an affiliate program. it reminds me of the visio days…. i pretty much converted every company i touched to visio. from the shapeware days right up until microsoft bought them. meh. they’ve really ruined that program, for all it hasn’t changed overmuch… even i could tell the difference in load times and responsive processing.

no, mr gates, i will not miss code bloat, dueling drivers, and the ongoing stupidity that is chipset competition.


the only thing left to do is get an actual keyboard. my friend, j, next city over… he has three of them sitting in his room. he’s offered me one on several occasions. i may just take him up on it. the notion of getting back into the drone/ambient/trance scene is just making me giddy. i had not realized how much i missed it.

frankly, becoming more creative lately has settled me on several levels. something about a constant outflow of creative energy keeps me energized. i suppose that will sound weird if you don’t know me. but in ways i cannot explain (without boring most who read to tears) being energized largely depends upon being willing to expend energy. i tend to liken it to the relationship between physical metabolism and exercise.

the body knows when it’s not working to full capacity and it adjusts things accordingly. only when there is a consistent draw that exceeds immediately available stores will it tap into the ‘long term storage’ and really make all you have available.

it is much the same with creativity and the mind, i find. when i’m not working on anything, it just seems that ‘creative metabolism’ runs to sluggishness. blockage at times, really. but when i make constant effort, even when it isn’t something i’d consider ‘my best’, i find the current of available creative ‘juice’ is readily available… just reach… and it’s there.

comforting stuff, that. and i strongly suspect it is the same spiritually. which explains quite a bit and my own experiences from september 2006 through about april this year deftly support this to be the case.

ah, that reminds me. i saw an intriguing book today… the history of science. not a dry dissertation on discoveries and such, but more of a sociology or perhaps socio-anthro-political (!!) look at the events and known context that the people who made these discoveries lived within…. something of an immersible history lesson. i should have bought it, but did not. likely will do so next week.

for now, i’m trying to decide if i want to read a book, make some music, write, do up a digital tile, or go grocery shopping. it’s somewhat sad, the state of my refrigerator. i suspect i would ‘out bachelor’ any man in the ‘nothing in the fridge’ department easily.

oh. sidenote. what to do with this toshiba a-135. i offered it to someone, gratis but they sounded as if they wouldn’t really want/take it. they made noises about paying me for it and i told them i’d not turn down the money, but that really wasn’t the point behind the offer. i’m second-guessing myself in this moment, of course. why shouldn’t i ebay it and put that cash to good use? i’ve got a list of things i ‘need to do’ that i’ve been ignoring for some time now… not the least of which include a checkup, visits to the dentist and eye doctor.

gee, what was that i wrote a bit ago about taking care of myself? yeah. maybe i should actually like… do more than talk about it. (crooked smile)

ok. that’s enough rambling for now. decision not yet made, but feeling hungry, so i’m thinking the stomach will win in the end. heh.

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