friend in the house

my friend, having been on the road since nevada, is now in my shower. heh. first visit since meeting (online!!) almost seven years ago. keeping in touch and keeping one another up to date on life in general throughout. we missed one another when he was headed to nevada and i was leaving louisania for new jersey.

i jokingly told him that whenever he gets within 500 miles of me, my world explodes and i sure am curious why this is the case. it has happened again… this time, we manage to meet before i try to head west. he is, of course, going to north carolina. the notion of forever passing people in life flashes through my mind. but not sadly…. for he is here and this time, we get to share company before a full passing occurs. that, my gentle readers, is a blessing any time it happens.

he says it will be a ‘navy shower’ which means he’ll be out in about oh… ten minutes. then, either to grocery store or dinner, hard to say which and i don’t suppose it matters.

i’m thankful to have a friend here in this moment. and i’m thankful to finally have the chance to put face and voice and presence with name.

most of all, i’m thankful for a reminder that life is never truly bad, even if it is at times rather bumpy. sitting here thinking the bumps don’t hurt quite as much as they used to… but perhaps that is more from expecting them than fearing them. maybe. hard to say.

today’s thought – it can always get worse, and it always gets better. this is the key to staying sane in an often insane world.

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