dreams that refuse to die….

oh. my. stars. you want to hear something funny? i’ve just had a lesson in remembering that the world is always willing to surprise you. and that true dreams never really die, even when you’re convinced they have done so. perhaps especially then.

about oh… a half an hour ago, the phone rang. it was a very nice woman who wanted to schedule a phone interview with me. she said who she was with, but the name didn’t ring a bell… mostly because i had been napping, but also because i was so excited just to have the damn phone ring that i wasn’t thinking straight.

Me: My apologies, I’ve sent out so many resumes lately that I cannot recall which… (awkward pause)… wait… let me get to the computer….

Her: Oh, no problem. ***********. The music company?

Me: YES!!!!

Both of us: (laughter)

the company in seattle. the only company there i applied to… the one shot, last shot, thought to be a long shot… made in hopefulness that wasn’t *quite* ready to die.

they called. interview tomorrow, by phone, with the gentleman who wrote that lovely, crazy, totally off the wall ad. the ad that reached out and touched my heart and reminded me that i do have a dream… and that part of making dreams real is being willing to believe in them even when they seem to be pushing up daisies.

insane hopefulness. it is like the multiverse itself taking a moment to kiss me back to life.

actually, it is more than this… but some things are so precious that even i cannot bear to put them on the page.

i’ve only told one person. heh. feels kind of like telling a birthday wish. maybe it will forgive me and come true anyway.

i have to get in touch with my friend in seattle and let them know that we may well be ‘on’ again after all… i could not possibly be more excited than i am in this moment. i wonder if the folks considering my resume know just how much fire they’re looking to bring inhouse. i could spend the rest of my life doing a job like that and never, ever be anything other than whistling happily every day for it.

more as events unfold. stars. seattle and a dream job, too. beautiful. simply sublime.

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