i’m trying to write these in the morning since i tend to be a good bit glummer at night.
lately, i’ve been pondering the fact that people tend to be rather oblivious to their own thoughtlessness and rudeness when doing something that isn’t directly benefitting (or holds the potential to disadvantage) them.
i see it everywhere, but at the moment, it’s peeking at me from the profound lack of response. i can remember when, no matter if they had something for you or not, an agency, recruiter, even the human resources departments of most companies would at least respond and tell you ‘we got it.’
the morning ritual is now to hit the top ten sites, the local paper, and call every agency in a twenty mile radius. i start right around now and am usually done by oh… noon or one.
then, i wait for the phone to ring or for an email.
thusfar, almost two weeks into it, nada. very depressing.
of course, all the more depressing is the company out west who, having promised a response to the test assignment submitted by the tenth, still hasn’t as much as peeped and this, after having sent an email inquiring.
that made me angry. i can guarantee you if the situations were reversed, they’d simply drop me from consideration. and, in fact, that is precisely what i’ve done in relation to them. any company who can’t be bothered to be on time when they have given that time as a commitment themselves is not a company i want to be working for… period.
not even if it means seattle. if they can’t even meet a simple deadline like ‘i’ll contact you before X’, what else do they slip and just never consider important enough to keep up with or follow-up on?
bleh. no, that’s anger talking. if they called today with an offer, i’d take it. and eventually manage to forget how slack they were and maybe even find out there was a good reason for the lax behavior. maybe. but at the moment, it’s just got me ticked off… i’ve been holding off on things here in georgia to hear from them and they know this and they STILL can’t be bothered to reply? grrrrrr.
i can’t wait any more. and am not. but it stings. thoughtless people. bleh. they are the suck.
oh well. time to make the rounds.