why is it…

… that some people simply will not stop at acquiescence?

i have recently quit a favorite place for several reasons, all having to do with discovering hypocrisy and duplicity and finding once again that tacit agreements do not keep some from pretending they were never made. (shrug)

as is so utterly usual, there is always someone who thinks they are doing me a favor to let me know ‘so and so is saying such and such about you’. most times, i just ignore it, or set something here to get it out of my head and keep from slipping back into the morass of it all.

there is a reason why i rarely have female friends. it has to do with their idiocy mostly, particularly when it comes to their (in)ability to comprehend the difference between friendship interest and romantic interest.

granted, it is their own insecurity in the works… but frankly, that’s not my problem and i refuse to allow it to even appear to be otherwise.

i notice these insipid snarks of misplaced venom and wonder if those who perpetrate them realize how venal they seem in the doing. no, of course not, that would posit a degree of interest or care in something other than getting their way, wouldn’t it?

not content with my leaving, this one harpy in particular feels the need to go behind and comment on my departure as if it (a) matters, (b) makes a difference, or (c) means more than she feels the need to gloat.

i ponder the very appropriate outcome that puts the hypocrite i thought to call friend back in her clutches. boy, do they deserve one another.

all the same, i am hopeful that the shakeup will bring better than their thusfar constant drama parade with one another. which was the channel into which i sent my annoyance at her idiocy just long enough to tell her that, of all involved, she is the least likely to ‘know why the works i’d put there were removed’ and perhaps she’d be better served to direct that energy to building and sustaining a strong and healthy family.

you know, the kind of thing that healthy people do.


p.s.: there is humor in this, but it is dark. the definition of an oracle is not someone who tells you what is or will be, but what you need to hear to get to where you most wish to be. i suspect if either of these two actually understood what that meant…. but no, that really WOULD be asking entirely too much.

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