unwanted reminders

ever notice how people remind you that your birthday is coming like you have or could forget?

actually, two anniversaries coming this week. one comes tomorrow and then there’s the chronological one on friday.

interestingly, the one coming tomorrow is pretty much anti-climatic. i’m laughing at myself for remembering it at all and looking forward to next year when i shall not.

things are looking up but i won’t specify, since it only seems to loose some odd manner of karmic torpedo when i do so. heh.

feel like little orphan annie. for many reasons. contrary to how it must seem here, i’m an optimistic snot. if you read much here at all, then you know this is the place the dark things come to die so they don’t have to be part of my every day.

i’ll be 42 on friday the 24th. it feels like something special, but only because of the numbers and how they mirror one another. laughing at myself for that, too. douglas, you are missed.

whiplash topic change. you are warned.

had someone tell me yesterday that they are a shaman. i asked them what it meant and they got annoyed with me. people and their labels are funny sometimes. i think they must believe it’s some kind of teflon coated dome that pads them where they feel lacking and protects them by making others assume more than they are… or something like that.

i told them i have a label i used when i have to… but mostly only to remind myself how pointless labels are… would you like to hear it?

sure you would. (grin)

i label myself a cosmic burrito.

i figure if that doesn’t demonstrate how pointless the process of trying to use labels as neat boxes containing full understanding is…. nothing will.

i also use it to remind myself of this when i find myself accidentally doing it.

another whiplash, unrelated tangent…

funny moment today. found a job posting essentially requesting master spammers apply. took the time to write a fairly lengthy note explaining that, while i could apply, i wouldn’t, and here is why… educating them on online marketing and the inevitable loss waiting at the end of the spamming queue.

it wasn’t at all my intention to express interest in the job. indeed, i specifically stated i would have no interest in being a spammer.

they replied thanking me and expressing interest in seeing my resume. hah!

i wrote them back and said, ‘here ya go, but honestly, so long as it’s spam they want, you’d be better off not calling me.’

they wrote me back and said this was understood.

hail the unorthodox!

not much else to report. going to transfer tags and such on wednesday. otherwise, just idling and trying to keep myself distracted.

hope you’re well.

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