eventually, everyone shows their true colors. it is always sad to find that some are decidedly darker than they tried to portray.
in light of recent abuses of trust and willful lies, it was decided to sever all ties with someone who, over the course of the last few weeks, has demonstrated themselves … well… many things… untrustworthy, deceitful, manipulative, and hypocritical.
as this process of cutting ties continued, it became obvious that another involved in the situation saw opening in which to ‘get their licks in’ and gleefully did they leap at the chance, though assuredly not with the result they obviously expected.
faced with overt antagonism, i made it bluntly, perfectly clear that, of all things, they had better things to spend their time and energy upon than me. i further invited them to spare me the effort of removing my works by deleting the account and all things posted by it. and i served them up a taste of their own medicine… something they obviously couldn’t take as well as they could try to dish it.
the account was banned, but the works were not removed. i can’t say i fully blame them, there are damn few pieces being contributed these days and my work is of quality… but all things considered, the hypocrisy of trying to keep them in the face of events was rather ugly.
so… i tendered a polite revocation of licensing and copied it to their host. if nothing else, setting grounds for further action as needed. i specifically stated that no further contact was desired beyond a brief statement that the works in question were deleted as expected.
the response was partially anticipated… the usual ‘we will do it, even though we don’t have to’ blah blah blah. i felt no need to debate the reality that one may revoke rights so long as payment has not changed hands. pearls before swine, etc.
the unexpected part was a rather amusing tirade accusing me of libel and defamation and threatening me with legal action for it.
mistake. very bad mistake. stupidly poor judgment. why? well, i’m glad you ask….
first and foremost as they had already violated my request for ‘no further contact’ beyond updating me on the expected outcome/status.
secondly because i have rather copious archives of their own words that very pointedly and very directly support the veracity of everything i have or ever would state.
thirdly because i don’t play games when it comes to accusing me of falsehoods. i do not lie. ever. my integrity is a gold standard here and i do not and will not ever tolerate impugning of it.
thus, i responded and advised them. i further cautioned them against continuing to contact me or in any manner attempting to undertake this fallacious and malicious act of harassment; both advising that said archives were meticulously maintained and further advising that if the concern rests in inappropriate behavior, i have certain additional archives of their own antics in abuse of certain resources at their disposal.
if we’re being so conscientious, i’ll insure i follow their lead and report those abuses to the appropriate individuals…. individuals who, i am certain, would be most interested in finding out how their payroll dollars are being misused and their trust with a particular employee, abused.
i set this here as a sincere piece of advice to whomever may read it. i work very, very hard to be good to others, but i am both capable and willing to ‘go there’ if you insist.
don’t insist. to quote an old comic strip character, “don’t make me angry. you wouldn’t like me when i’m angry.”