ugh. but i’m laughing anyway.
the slim possibility of work hovers on the horizon and hopefully the weekend will bring closure on it. we’ll see.
in other news, there’s no other news! hah. well, except to say that of all the things in the world i feel at the moment, about to be 42 is not among the number. granted, i no longer have to check myself to avoid answering ’25’ to the question of my age… but i’m mildly surprised to be over 40 already.
no plans. of course. too broke to pay attention, really. likely sleep in, and then find something to keep me good and distracted until the day is behind me.
oh, a moment of humor a la ‘par for the course’…. got an email today from a recruiter who wants to hire me right here, right now, immediately to come to work as a technical writer and content director.
in tampa.
i wrote her back and thanked her for her interest, but unfortunately, i’ve returned to my home state for lack of response and best wishes in finding a local candidate.
hereonout, it’s either home or seattle. there are no other alternatives.
i am lightly toying with another idea… but not going to say what it is until i make a decision. could be a big change.
in other news, an email from one of the rare female friends i have today. timely and helpful and made me smile. we discussed my recent revisions to ‘life rules’ and had a good laugh for it. i count myself quite fortunate indeed to have some of the experiences i have and yet — still be able to laugh for it.
for all i grouse here, it remains that my friends (the ones i rarely speak of here, that is) often do the ‘heavy lifting’ during times like this… though usually not more than words, all the same, words from some are more helpful than words from others. however that may sound. (shrug)
someone you know and trust will always be able to lift your spirits, i think. most of the references here apply to folks i only know here (online).
(more accurately, inevitably it seems, folks i never really knew at all. i can count the number of people who are ‘real’ here on one hand… with the thumb down. amazing, really. in this amazing medium where how you grew up, how you look, what your circumstances are, etc. have no bearing at all… how sad is it that most people still prefer to pretend to be something they’re not than simply let the things inside them that have always wanted to be expressed… out?)
anyway… it’s occurred to me to make a post of all these comments. you know, something to cheer myself up with… and perhaps to remind myself that with this many folks saying the same thing, i can’t possibly be as …….?….. as i sometimes think.
hmm. it’s a thought. perhaps tomorrow.