there are times when i feel like a real fool. this is one of them. you know how i’m always kicking myself for being the one to keep trying to keep in touch, for not forgetting people, etc?
well damn it if i’m not standing here frowning because i’ve done it again.
but at least today, i can remind myself that it’s ok to stop when it becomes obvious there is no concern or care for staying in touch.
and it’s ok to just shrug and let it be/go/whatever.
and i don’t have to feel like it’s anything other than things changing and passing. just how people are. just the way things go.
nothing personal. never is, really. just feels that way because… well… because i’m human, i suppose.
but i still miss ya, my friend. and i wish it were different. but whatever is happening with you, i hope it’s good and you’re smiling.
as always, be well. and i suppose farewell, too.