i love the assholes of the world

heh. wrote this elsewhere tonight and when i finished and went back to re-read it, decided i really needed to set it here as a reminder. so. i am.

one of the most profound things i’ve hit (brick wall, notion; it tends to oscillate) is that the world entire is our teacher. everything, everyone, all the time, everywhere. if i look for the learning, i don’t have to worry for much else, it’s always there.

add to this that other people are beautiful for how they teach me about myself. particularly when i think they are being x, y, or z. every bit of it points not at them, but inside me. being honest with myself means actively and repeatedly accepting that and embracing it. using it to whittle away at the separation AND teaching myself with all this wonderful curriculum the many teachers with whom i share this planet give me.

i used to think…well… a lot of things. heh. but lately, i really begin to see just how utterly and fully gifted and blessed i am to have such tender and attentive teachers. the guy who cut me off in traffic. the woman who raised hell at me for not holding the door longer for her. the unknown whomevers that scratched my truck. the people who offended me with their language or their beliefs or their whatever else. and, of course, the folks who were helpful and kind to me… but truly those who are kind are not the real teachers.

so easy to be kind to those who are kind to you. but the lessons come from the assholes.

i love the assholes. not as much as i should, but then… i’m still learning. heh.

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