telecommuting and such

i’ve always wanted a job that i could work via telecommuting. now, i have one. 🙂

i am writing from a-town today, having returned here after spending about three weeks in nawth cah-oh-lin-ah. i return triumphant, job secured and able to telecommute at will. stars, there is nothing better than having the press nearby, being in my own chair at my own desk, and not in some damned cube.


i get so much more done. i cannot fathom how companies view this as a bad thing. well, i do accept that most people in cubes, given the chance, may notwork without someone to crack the whip over their heads. but for those of us who demonstrate we possess a work ethic, what a chance for savings any company is missing not to turn us loose to do so!

between facilities costs, support and supplies costs, increased benefits cost, risk of injuries and related loss of work, it just makes SO much sense.

personally, i think in another few generations, the notion of having to work in an office will be rather passe. alas, manufacturing jobs and such likely will never be of this nature. a shame, truly.

i’m back here until i get a few more paychecks under my belt. then i am relocating fully into NC. i am jonsing for that little town with street markets and artistic souls all around. oh my. and, of course, the coffee shops. heh.

oh, hah. and did i mention the truly wonderful karmic outcome? i am the new manager of professional services for this company. helping them build a strong service model, related processes, and handling the white glove with the customer until we grow to the point that we can hire more to do that and let me focus on marketing, writing, and such.

i am SO psyched. i cannot tell you how much potential this company has… the possible avenues for diversification are just amazing and there is a fairly strong stream of business and revenue to draw on, AND the networking potential for generating new business is just… profound.

anyway. happy friday. i’m smiling and i hope you are, too.

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