obligatory reminder, yet again…

this is a semi-fictional blog. what does this mean?

well it means some of the things you read here actually happened. but it also means a lot didn’t. and it also means some did, just not the way you’re reading them here.

it is interesting to see what different people will do with this place when they do not know this is the case.

take for example one person who, thinking themselves very clever indeed, posted a screed of venom thinking they had ‘gotten the dirt’ about my life and were going to ‘show me’ by using the information they thought they had to publicly humiliate me.

turns out the joke is on them. some joke, right? kind of sad, really, the things people are willing to do to try and defend their perceived ‘territory’ or some illusory ‘status’ therein.

i’ve had something of an epiphany lately. it deals with the pointlessness of all these multi-layered social orders. well, no, actually, i have known they were pointless for some time now… but i have this odd argument going with myself over why that is, or if it is possible to mitigate or shift.

to date, the answer is a resounding ‘no’, but i think that just points to the reality that is dukkha.

anyway… since it seems to be needed, the reminder — this is still the internet, not everything you read is true, and even most things that are, are not in the way you might think.

caveat emptor.

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