on becoming buddhist

as a follow up item — yes, it is on my list of things to do to return this category here. i had not realized how many were following just that category and i should have looked at it more closely before making what was a fairly impetuous change.

now, i will have to go through all the entries from 2006 forward and redo the tagging. (chuckle)

actually, i thought about retagging everything…. since there is a good bit of stuff before the ‘official’ discovery of buddhism that is strikingly curious in relation to the statement that i have been ‘buddhist all my life’. hm. i’ll have to think on that some more.

the thing keeping me from doing it now is mostly because so much here is semi to moderately fictional. if i segment out this category again, it will be the thing that is known to be ‘real events’ in life and as there have been some folks who’ve demonstrated a willingness to try and use ‘real information’ to slam or otherwise humiliate me on forums i frequent… i am undecided on this point.

on the one hand, i’m not ashamed of anything here. on the other, i’m tired of people who think this kind of behavior is excusable, appropriate, or normal in any manner. as much as i have argued or debated or disagreed with anyone, anywhere online, i never in my life have or would as much as consider stalking their personal spaces (e.g., any place not explicitly related to our knowing one another here) to try and extract information to harm them or publicly humiliate them.

it just… boggles the mind that ANYONE could do this. and there is another aspect to the notion of this that whispers in the background… for it was not too very long ago that i was wrongly accused of this kind of behavior… the reminder that people tend to accuse of things they could see themselves doing was and is ironic and sad.

anyway… still thinking about it. we’ll see.

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