the happy couple!

hah. this, the term my friend mike uses to describe a certain geekette. details follow….

i was grousing last week over the fact that my hard drive is reporting a S.M.A.R.T. failure. other than the rather punderful thought that this is a rather common occurrence, things around me seem to often suffer from smart failure (!!), it also occurred that this will be the fourth drive i will have lost in as many years.

i am reminded in this moment that i have rarely had good fortune with electrical and magnetic devices. in fact, it had, for a period of time, become something of a joke. i stop watches. alarm clocks. televisions and other electrical devices often behave strangely when around me. i suspect some weirdness with my body’s electrical systems. but have not thought of it in some time… until just now, actually… and i ponder the possible wisdom of sitting my computer further from me in proximity.

wouldn’t it just be a hoot if that was the reason i’ve had this many hardware failures and drive failures? good grief.


i was grousing to my friend mike about the recent circumstance and noting that, as usual, the timing could not be worse. he asked me, of course, if i had been making backups. yes, yes, i replied slightly irritably. of course, i haven’t in the last month. so it was guilt making me grumpy. i decided to pull a few dvds and get to it.


mike had other plans.

i am now the owner of a quite sleek and very compact usb drive. 120gb worth. and yes, the machine is backed up. no more loss of writing! hurray!

the title of this piece comes from mike’s funny little email wherein he asked for a picture of ‘the happy couple’. hah. so… both for him and whomever else may be interested…

as you can see, i’m not much for primping and making up. i’ve never really had the photogenic gift… my daughter got it. i suspect it skips a generation. (chuckle) all the same — hail the happy couple! (and ignore the laundry in the background… yes, damn it, i’ll put it away soon!)

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