Redacted IC Profile

rebirth is an interesting thing. most interesting is how much of the core remains unchanged. the story is not as important as i once thought. what remains and is not impacted by story or circumstance is, i think, where the truth rests.

this, a comforting thought.

Formal Name: Shan’dalah Duna’delar [[ The name roughly translates to “To keep truth is (my) honor” ]]

Common Name: Shandala Truesong

Gender: Female

Age: 20+ (Adult)

Class: Priest

Occupation: Tailor/Enchanter

Languages: Common, Darnassian

Alignment/Speciality: The path of divine Discipline, and the pursuit of Holy humility

Physical description:
As is usual for her people, Shandala stands tall, lithe, and muscular. Silver haired and silver eyed, she exudes a presence that is at once confident and at peace.

Personality: Somber, usually calm, more than once called ‘unflappable’ by the Stormwind Ambassador (usually in frustration).  Prone to extensive contemplations and more than a little introspection. The peaceful facade, while strong, is not impenetrable and as is often said, still waters run deep. Very deep.

Fair Warning — Shandala is possessed of a fury’s temper, a magnificent and explosive one that would give the gods themselves cause to pause. None have actually experienced it, thanks to rigorous training within the Temple of the Moon and her own commitment to compassion and the contemplative life. Ironically, many who have known her annoyance will tell you they have known her temper, which is a thing of no little bemusement to the priestess herself.

Overall, she is quick to smile, slow to anger, loyal to the point of idiocy (often grieving in solitude long after everyone else has forgotten, given up, or otherwise moved on). An incontrovertible optimist at core, the twin flames of hope and love burn bright and true in her.

Back-story: (Written long ago and, thanks to events, server transfer, and related oddities, in need of being re-written. Coming soon to a forum near you!)

Pet Peeves: Presumption and assumption in any form, the use of non-direct or veiled sarcasm or insult, particularly with the intent of derision or public admonishment of another (e.g., passive-aggressive behavior), lying in any form, tardiness, overt or abrasive sexuality/crassness, egoism, insecurity, paranoia, or cynicism.

[[ As it has been a source of some issue in the past, I will take a moment here to point out that, unlike many roleplayers (or at least insofar as they will admit), this character is a distillation of what I perceive to be my better parts. I often say that, in truth, I do not as much roleplay this character as I do explore my own aspirations through her. Please do bear this in mind and should this be something that is uncomfortable to you, I will not be offended for being avoided – just let me know. ]]

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