
thanks to a friend, it finally occurred to me how to resolve lingering issues with mmo stuff and recent disappointments with “raiding guilds” and their hopeless dedication to specs and loot rather than people.

raiding has changed since last i was doing it, and not for the better. with the removal of all supporting mechanics for social accountability and death penalty, no one really has to learn their class beyond the basics and the forgiveness factor for people who are sloppy with aggro is rather ludicrous.

when you add the usual ‘use and lose’ mindset of guilds who raid to the mix, what you wind up with are a bunch of people who really aren’t worth spending much time around. took me about as month to figure this out. but once i did, i got myself out of it quickly enough.

while i was at it, it occurred to me how much time i spend remembering things that really should be forgotten. Tal was pretty good at the NLP, i must say. and in talking with a friend about it all, it occurred to me that there was an option that i had never actually considered — a way to sever things completely and abruptly.

day before yesterday, this conversation with my friend, and yesterday, at long last, a solution — i changed my character’s name.

you’ll laugh at how immediate a difference it made. toss the entire story, all the history, all the hurt for thoughtless people and their thoughtless ways. clean slate. felt… amazing.

i’ve decided to find some small guild that has no aspirations. settle in and run dailies. enjoy myself. not bother or care with the idiocy that is the belief purple pixels matter or should matter, or that any of it is more important than the people you meet.

i spent most of yesterday removing/deleting all the history from various places. as of now, the only history that remains are the things entered here, and they can rest in peace… i’ll not be returning to them.

amazing. i should have done this long ago. hah!

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