One Lesson To Teach

today’s link that makes me smile comes on a reading list i am subscribed to…

if you know me at all, then you know i spend a lot of time wrestling with the feeling that the world is really sliding downhill at a rather alarming rate. also that people really are genuinely good at core, though life and events will often twist them into odd and bizarre behaviors that are decidedly less than positive for themselves or anyone else.

i have a short list of places i visit when i need a reminder of the inherent goodness of humanity. this link is now added to the list. it’s called “One Lesson To Teach” and the concept is very simple — if you could deliver one lesson to everyone in the world, what would it be?

my own was likely far too simple… but i think maybe it is the simple things that really create the most profound differences in life. pebbles in life’s pond, you know? my contribution was:

Be as willing to forgive others as you’d like them to be for you, and as eager to justify them as you are to justify yourself.

some good reads there… it will make you warm inside.

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