on being thankful

this is the time of year when, traditionally, americans celebrate the holiday called ‘Thanksgiving’.

historically, it is supposed to hallmark how cooperation and humility brought survival. most families these days see it as a chance to be family, spend time together, and enjoy good foods. some treat it as a spiritual holiday in the judeo-christian tradition; keying from the idea that god looked out for those ancestors and indeed, does so for any who will vest trust.

it really isn’t as important why you celebrate as that you take some time to be thankful. not necessarily on this day, but here and there over the course of life. it took me a long time to understand what a profound difference gratitude and thankfulness could have upon my life. if you haven’t tried it yet, i strongly recommend it… especially if yours is a life filled with sadness, loneliness, anger, despair, or any other of the many adjectives on can associated with suffering.

it’s really very simple, and the point is to remind yourself that, if you really think on it, you always have SOMETHING for which to be thankful. usually, they are things you don’t spend much time thinking about or perhaps you even take them for granted.

most people have a good list of somethings for which to be thankful, and it is often odd how some people will choose what i would find very mundane things and, for them, those things are profound… whereas often people chuckle at me for the things i find profound. perhaps it’s just relative, you know? perhaps it doesn’t really matter what you’re thankful for, so long as you have something for which to be thankful… i think it may well be the sense of thankfulness is a critical component to a happy life, simply because it provides the avenue by which the things that so often weigh upon us may, for a time weigh a bit less heavily.

the house i am living in at this moment is filled with people. kids, shrieking. dogs, barking, smells to pure torment the tummy are wafting throughout the house. traditionally, we do not eat the night before this holiday. mostly to be sincerely thankful and appreciative when the meal reaches the table. little things that create consistency and lend well to the purpose of this time.

i peeled potatoes today until my hands hurt. hah. as the ‘family arthritic’, i don’t get to do too much in the way of repetitive motion so i was pretty joyful to peel potatoes. i suppose that will sound strange. but i wanted to ‘do my part’ and so i type with achy hands, but a big smile.

i generally stay out of the way for the remainder of the preparation, as it is a time for mom z. and her blood relatives to work together. the simple reality is, they do not see me as family, for all mom z. does… and i think it’s important for them to feel like they have ‘their time’ and not have to feel as if i’m infringing. perhaps that won’t make sense to some of you…. but it matters to them, and because i love them too, it matters to me.

anyway… today is overcast and rainy, so a bit of a challenge on the joints anyway. so i’m content to sit here and think about the things i’m thankful for and ramble a bit…

i’m thankful for my health and mind.

i’m thankful for my strength.

i’m thankful for my daughter and son.

i’m thankful for mom and dad z and the feeling of family that knowing them has brought into my life.

i’m thankful for the many and often madcap adventures in life, both online and offline, that have brought such interesting people with such interesting lessons my way.

i’m thankful for the challenges and clouds of life that push me to grow and strive to be a better person for myself and for the world and those i encounter within it.

i’m thankful for the sense that, regardless all, everything really does work to the most positive outcome for all.

i’m thankful to be able to write.

i’m thankful to live in a world where, no matter how terrible it seems, i can still find something to smile for or about.

i’m thankful that you are here, reading, right now.

i’m sure i could come up with more, but i don’t think i need to. i hope you will spend a little time today creating your own list of things to be thankful for… and i hope that if you do, you’ll find in it something that will bring you contentment and a sense of well being and purpose in the world.

i am thankful for you. i love you. i’m glad you’re here. i hope today brings you good things.

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