funny and delightful

woke up early this morning and spent the first moments of the day doing my best impression of a cat…. languid stretches, the human equivalent of purring, and nuzzling pillow and shrugging under covers until the notion of getting outside and doing something drove me from between the sheets.

showered and dressed comfortably, took myself out to breakfast. the old fellow at the counter was dressed in red as i was, though his was sportsgear and a baseball cap. me, just a bright red sweater with mandarin collar. an elderly woman walked in and sat between us, looked at me, and said with surprise, “oh! you know, i pure forgot to watch the lighting of the tree on television last night!”

i laughed and replied, “is it really THAT bright a red i’m wearing?” she looked puzzled, but the lady taking my order fell out laughing. i admit, it IS a bright red sweater.

breakfast done, i cruised the dollar store for bargains. granted, i’m not willing to spend much (not having much will do that to you) but i also don’t want to buy anything i’m going to have to pack. so the parameters set, i was content to stroll and consider things. i note they no longer sell the dishware set (service for four) for $10, they now break them out into pieces and sell them at $1/each. made myself a mental note to look up the dollar store when i get to the new town. serious savings. i’m all about that.

turned a corner and found a new friend. laughed out loud for it and i suspect the folks working there had me pegged as ‘odd’ but that was just part of the humor of the moment. you see, i found my new pet. a cat i won’t have to worry about losing, see?

i decided to name her “Ms. Priss”. didn’t seem there were many other suitable options, all things considered. chuckling the rest of the way down the aisle, i was heading to the register when i spotted some votive holders. decided on a whim to pick up four of them and some linen votives to go with them. they’ll make nice evening lighting on a hardwood floor, i’m thinking. heh.

as you can see, Ms. Priss approves.

anyway… safely out for under $5, and on to get the oil changed in the truck for the coming weekend’s long drive, then, back to home to enjoy coffee and the crisp fall day as it appears from the window. a little too chill to be out in it, but very nice to look at with steaming mug o’ java in hand and comfortably warm.

all in all, a good day thus far, and every indication of it become moreso.

interesting aside, i’m enjoying red a lot more these days. green used to be my favorite color, any share thereof barring the weirdness of chartreuse and the eye hurting brightness of kelly. what do it mean? do it mean a thing? hmmmmm.

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