a day at the movies

took myself to the movies today. one standard, one comedy, and one drama. as usual, afterthoughts are many and overwhelming.

beowulf was fairly as expected, but i think i could have lived without the 3D effects. the animation was somewhat distracting and the fascination with showing us gore and things dripping out of or falling toward via 3D was unusually annoying. i never was a fan of the 3D movie, and my favorite skit having to do with 3D was John Candy’s bit from Second City Television, “The 3D House of Pancakes”.

the second movie was an expected lark and it didn’t fail. ‘enchanted’ is a bit of Disney fluff with cartoon fairy tales meeting new york city. as expected, funny things ensued. but it was also oddly touching in places… mostly for the irony with which the fairy tale princess goes from eternally optimistic to almost human before big D saves the day and provides the proper ‘happy ever after’ ending. the wicked witch was entirely caricature. put my teeth on edge, as did the stumbling handy man a la “bad” guy. we all could have, i think, done without the cutesy chipmunk but perhaps it was one of those oblique cross-promotional deals for the upcoming ‘Alvin and The Chipmunks’ or something.

the last movie was ‘August Rush’. i knew when i saw the trailer some months ago that this one would be meaningful to me. it did not let me down. in fact, i’m not going to talk about it just yet. only say to you that you really should see it.

it being the last movie, deliberately so, i am in that place between suspended belief and returning to reality. hard to describe, but here, in this space, many things yet live… and they are, in this moment, keeping me a somewhat quiet vigil and company. this ‘place’ that is more a thinking space is filled with may-have-beens and almost-wases, and if-onlys… so i do not spend much time here, but when i do, a curious honor to them all is paid.

that will likely be my remaining night duty. to smile for each having ever been possibility, perhaps to shed a tear here and there for those that were painful in their passing, and to send along thoughts of good fortune, best wishes, and gratitude. i have not felt this particular ache in some time… but since it is here, it too, i will cradle and smile to… until it passes.

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