a regular image

not sure why this image touches me. it just does. something about the plainness of it.

i’ve gotten away from digitial art lately, mostly for losing the copy of photoshop in the last crash and finding that adobe, in their infinite wisdom will not permit a transfer of the license from PC to MAC. gee, thanks. looks like i’ll be learning The Gimp and you can bite me hiney if you think i’ll ever pay you for another piece of software.


i’m collecting images to work with in future. this is among the rapidly increasing collection. granted, this is a MUCH reduced version of the original. i’ve been shooting at ultra high res lately so as to have better things to play with when i get around to the playing.

not much else today. slow monday, raining, and i’m contemplating repacking some of the yet unopened boxes prior to loading up the truck. looking forward to thursday, which is when i hit the road for what i hope will be the last time for a long time. we’ll see.

today’s happy thought — you can love someone no matter what happens.

today’s sad thought – most misunderstandings are your own fault.

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