Reverbnation – rockin. :)

as you can see in the right sidebar, i’m officially registered at Reverbnation ( the link to the right takes you to my profile, whereas the one in the preceding sentence takes you to their main page.

i’ve been puttering and playing around for a while now with music, and finally decided i should have a single place where anything i do can be found. i’ve been quite the fan of Splice (, but the level of support and activity of the stewards/owners have been a bit on the disappointing side of late.

additionally, it likely is wise to separate my stuff by that which i do not mind being in the Creative Commons and that which I’d like to see remain outside it.

that link takes you to my profile. from there, if you like, you may sign up for notifications when there is a new item released or to keep up to date with what i’m about musically. i admit, i’ve been slacking, but after this weekend’s move, i fully intend to have the keyboard and such set up ‘full time’ so when the mood strikes, i can actually DO something about it.

this new site has all the look of a thing that’s going strong and likely to last. we’ll see. for now, i’m enthused and happy to have a place to consolidate things.

oh, and did i mention you can buy yourself a copy of any of my works if you are so inclined? just hit the ‘buy songs’ link and the wonders of technology will see to the rest. 🙂

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