Flash 9.x – gah! grrr!

figures. just when you get used to trusting something to work properly, it doesn’t.

ever since Flash 9 came out, i’ve had nothing but misery. almost everyone and their damn brother is using it these days, most of them to manage things like streaming video, audio, and such.

the player crashes my browser with a reliability i wish i could find anywhere else in life. i swear. IE, firefox, opera, safari, doesn’t matter. boom. in the damn dirt.

i’ve had to uninstall it all together. which means certain web sites are now as good as dead to me until there is a fix.

youtube. 🙁

reverbnation (partially) #@*(#@!*(

splicemusic. bah! BAH I SAY!

a few others that don’t hurt quite as much. yet.

it was bad enough when i lost my PC that adobe wouldn’t let me transfer my license to MAC. gee, thanks, out several hundred dollars there. not that you care, obviously. let’s see… reckon i’ll be using gimp hereonout.

now even the silly plugin isn’t operable. bleh. i’m dangerously close to giving the entire paid software industry the bird. thinking about it… it really wouldn’t be that hard. open office, gimp, and that’s pretty well all i need except the odd utility here and there and there are enough of them at REASONABLE prices from freelance developers to make the commitment to ignoring adobe, microsoft, et al workable.

never thought i’d see the day when i was seriously willing to shun them all. go figure. but they did it to themselves with all their moeny-grubbing, dare not do a thing that isn’t bringing us a dollar crap.

hmph. fuck ‘um, i say.

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