the oddities of timing

the continuing synchronicities of life are amusing sometimes.

i just posted about being thankful for the various people i’ve encountered in life. tonight, in checking the logs, i find someone with whom i did not part amicably has returned to see if i’m talking about them.

i’m not sure i understand this behavior. first of all, why bother to use a proxy to appear invisible to me if you’re just going to show up here and do a search for your own name?

did you want me to see you were here, or were you just ignorant of the fact that i can see the referrers and the searches?

secondly, why skulk around here trying to be invisible when you’d be just as welcome to drop me a note via the connect form (pointing up to the header) or an email or whatever?

there isn’t a single person i’ve met in life that i would not be pleased to hear from. even the ones i parted less than amicably with… you see, it takes courage and a genuine interest in staying in touch to reach out to me if/when we parted less than amicably… and if you know me at all, you also know i’m not the type to cut you to pieces for doing so.

no, not even if i’ve ranted to the moon and back here about you.  for the most part, these rants are here because putting them on paper keeps me able to be kind to you, as strange as that may sound.

in your case in particular, i’m bemused. perhaps you have figured out by now that what you thought was incorrect because if what you thought had been true, the last thing you’d have from me in this interim is silence.

then again, perhaps you’re still convinced otherwise and only checking here to comfort yourself with ‘how right you were’. humans are so odd. sigh. but no, i’m not writing about you, not much thinking of you, and pretty much contented myself to chalk it up to pointlessness.

if you’d like to prove me wrong, i’d be happy to be wrong, and you know how to reach me should you wish to do so.

in the meantime, as always, i hope all is well with you.

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