look out — an idea!

oh boy. while talking with a friend of mine today, the most amazing idea leapt out of the water and smacked me flush in the face. i can’t talk about it much now, but i’m excited in a way i haven’t been in a long while relating to possibilities.

more as i can, suffice to say this could be a true save!

in other news…

i was boggled today to receive a call from a company in this area looking to hire a project manager/business analyst. boggled, i say, because i haven’t been actively looking. i’m employed, ya know. but far be it from me to refuse to speak with folks… so i’m talking with them tomorrow morning by teleconference. if nothing else, perhaps some side work. i need the money badly.

not much else at the moment. idling and stringing together thoughts and outlines for the aforementioned idea. heh. giddy. very. what if…… 🙂

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