oot and aboot!

my goodness. i spent the entire day out and about. quite a change from recent routine.

i can’t say it was terribly exciting. heh. laundry at a friend’s house, hanging out and talking, dinner and a movie and then, back to home. but still! an entire day.

nothing much to report really, just making the obligatory post. considering the new year and pondering what (if any) activity i wish to undertake. the new year itself hasn’t the meaning for me that it used to, it has been supplanted by the second day of the new year for reasons that would only be known to someone who has really been keeping up here.

i doubt i’ll mention it further as it’s a rather personal/private/meaningful thing and i tend not to talk about the things that are close to the bone here anymore.

anyway. hope you’re well and more another time, i’m sure. maybe a tile or two before bed. not sure. feeling bubbly in la brea. (chuckle)

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