in rapid followup to my previous post, two documents:
(1) – 40-drop-plaintiff – a motion granted to drop IGE Hong Kong from the suit. (got to hate it when your attorney doesn’t know who to sue!)
(2) – 41-ige-answer – the answer filed by IGE on the 3rd of january, in which all things are precisely as expected and you can almost hear the snicker as they point obliquely at Blizzard and say, “if you want the guys responsible, look over there.”
i love pacer. :)
an interesting thing in the ige answer. apparently, the fellow bringing the suit was a customer of theirs prior to this. got to hate disqualifying yourself from your own class action suit.
of course, you do realize they wouldn’t say he was a customer if they could not prove it. but somehow, i doubt seriously that the plaintiff will be stupid enough to demand they do… or will he?
edit to add: the irony of course is that most who read that answer will laugh and think the denials are funny. they’re not. you can count every one of them as a challenge to prove that what is being alleged is true. considering the allegations, **i** find **that** funny… mostly because they are, almost wholesale, unprovable without the one thing this attorney lacks — Blizzard’s support.
and i’m willing to bet my shoes that the world will fall into the sun before he ever gets that support, too. for reasons mentioned in my previous post.
even if they get the documents they’ve requested from IGE, it doesn’t mean this particular player has suffered the damages they are alleging. hence the class action status of course. they only need one hit. i’m betting they won’t get it because validation there would require Blizzard’s involvement as well.