what do you think?

things aren’t always as they seem.

i backed her into the corner, and reached out to roll her between my palms. she was so sweet, her yellow jacket with the red underneath. she was…. juicy. i could feel the juice of her there just under the surface. it was almost funny, the way the outer cover over her gave way and opened that smallest oval where i could see through…. to underneath.

it drove me mad of course. all interest honed there, i bent and set my mouth there and licked and nibbled and sucked like a wild thing. tasted the sweetness rising to my tongue. groaned for it. it was maddening. it was not enough. it was never enough. felt how she began buckling under my onslaught. but they always did that. it was part of the fun.

i used my hands to knead at her, also to hold her in place. my eyes closed now, mouth grinding against sweetness, feel the rush of it into my mouth. shivered for it, such a cool stream of sweetness. i pressed harder at her and could feel how she flinched and folded under my hands.

i grunted in frustration, remembering that i didn’t want to break the skin. i did that last time by mistake and spoiled it completely. made a mess. pushing her into the corner, switching instead to light pressure all around, enjoying the feeling of how she gives into it. close my eyes once more and return to rough nuzzling, and licking, sucking it from her as she quietly collapsed under me.

eventually, even my insistent tongue cannot get more from her. i opened my eyes and looked at her briefly, all shriveled and messy from my efforts. it made me smile. i gently set her down, slowly spread her, and took her. all of her. fingers digging in and pulling apart… i loved the sound of the ripping as i did so.

lifted those torn pieces to my mouth, smelled them, chewed them, extracted every bit of flavor and then, tossed them over casually to the nearby trash. she is mine, completely, and i slowly lost myself in her, letting seeds fly as i reached her core.

finished at last, i looked at her, spread and taken and destroyed in the process. i wiped the back of my hand across my mouth and chuckled to myself… i did not regret it. she was unbelievably good. i folded her up carefully and lifted her, set her into the trash and turned my back to her… left her there and looked for another.

ruby red. my favorite. chilled from the refrigerator and rolled between palms, the smallest hole cut in the side, squeeze and suck the juice from it, crush it between my hands and delight in it. when nothing more can be pulled from it, pull it apart, pulpy and sweet, chew the slivers that remain, discard the roughage and eventually, the rind.

i suppose you could call it grapefruit rape…. what do you think?

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