slacking, but no more!

some time ago, i said i had some dream related links that i intended to put here. considering i’m awake at this ridiculous hour for no reason other than my body says it’s time to get up, i’ll do it now. heh.

Sawlogs.Net — great place to record dreams and find out who dreams like you do, possibly get some insight on what yours mean by seeing what you see in similar others.

International Association for the Study of Dreams — interesting non-profit where there seems to be quite a lot happening, and most of it decidedly academic/clinical (no pun, particularly not a bad one, intended!).

IASD Forums – A forum of the for the above non-profit.

Collective Dream Journal — a Flickr feed of images relating to dreams by various artists in various mediums. Wonderful, odd, and often numinous.

More to follow as I continue to organize the links I have and sort them, verify they are still online, etc.

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