passive-aggressive people really yank my crank.
as you may or may not know, i had a very horrible year and a half with an official branch of buddhist community. i wound up not only leaving that lineage, but pretty much deciding i’m content to be a lay buddhist for the rest of my life. returned my refuge card, stripped any and all connections, and pretty much let it roll.
today, some three or four months after the initial request, and a good month after the leave-taking, i receive a confirmation in my mailbox that the sangha president’s wife (a good bit of the reason for my departure, though admittedly, not all of it) has “confirmed” that we’re friends.
mind you, this is a person who did a very thorough job of telling not only me, but anyone reading upon a shared and public forum all the many reasons we were not friends.
mind you, this is a person who was always very eager indeed to deride, denigrate, and disdain when or if i wasn’t exquisitely willing to contort myself into what she wanted me to be.
mind you, she got that invitation four months ago and couldn’t be bothered with it… but let me resign and depart and stay gone and lo — suddenly — we’re friends.
i removed the connection. banned it at the site where it was made. she knows full well how to actually interact with me. she has my phone number. she has my email address.
add me as a friend when you can’t treat me with the care and respect a friend deserves?
fuck you.
don’t you reach out to me to soothe yourself. i’m sick and tired of being the world’s emotional landfill.
yeah, i know, that’s not a very “buddhist thing” to say. well, obviously, i’m just not that great a buddhist. i’m working on it, and part of that work is being honest about how i feel and why.