omg, slept through!


for the first time in almost three weeks, i actually slept through the night. consider me bouncing with happy.

i sit here looking at four packets of flower seeds….

during the whirlwind of introductory dates that was mid to late february, i met a fellow the next major town over who is an electrician. he is also the closest thing to Tom Bombadil i’ve ever met in my life. our coffee shop, dinner, coffee shop evening found me gazing with much curiosity at a white bandana/handkerchief in which bulky, indiscernible things were hidden.

over the course of the night, i finally broke down and asked what was in there. he laughed and told me to look… that i could have done so any time and that the entirety of it was for me.

talk about little girl at christmas. hah. i made myself open the four corners of the kerchief slowly. inside was a small trove of chocolate, an origami bird, a strip of heart stickers, a single, green candle, a tiny brass box with a dupa upon it’s removable lid, a 2007 liberty dollar made of copper, a tiny and perfectly round bead of lapus lazuli, and four packets of flower seeds.

at the time, i really didn’t know what to make of him. he was so nervous that i felt awkward and it seemed the more i tried to reach and be friendly, the more nervous he became…. until i finally had to withdraw just to see him settle and he seemed to take that as disinterest. it was… frustrating. it left me with a sense of impossibility and i did not go out of my way to repeat the meeting.

i sit here and consider spring. i want to plant these flowers. hah. me, of the black thumb historically, is considering trying to nurse green, growing things. then i think about possibly moving again and i feel like i don’t dare plant them. they’ll be like cats. only stuck in the ground. chuckling softly at myself…. i unpacked every box. i’m not going anywhere that isn’t either seattle or london. point.

i’m thinking about asking good ol’ Tom out again. actually, his name IS Tom. hah. you know, i just remembered that. maybe he’d be less nervous and i’d like to see what he’s like when he is. considering these little gifts have been sitting here on my desk, in my face, ever since…. maybe i’ve not been paying attention as i ought. hah!

now that i think of it, i think i have a picture that i took at the time of the unveiling! (going to dig)

hah! i do!

mind you, i always take the camera when i go out as you never know when you’re going to want to snap a shot or when some good source might show up. but it also allows for capturing life moments when so inclined. here… look at this….

i’m not real sure why i’ve waited this long considering the picture you’re about to see, which i’ve just taken…

mebbe sometimes, we’re not as observant as we ought to be, eh? (chuckle)

funny what a good night’s sleep can do.

addendum: There was a really funny Freudian Slip in that second to last line. ‘be’ was ‘me’. i changed it, but mention it in the name of honesty…. and humor. HAH! :)

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