i am SUCH a geek

s’ok, i’m waiting on the new machine to arrive and kind of trying to keep my excitement under wraps. so i decide to go look at the tracking and remind myself it’s still a couple of days away… you know, throttle down a bit.

hah! no way! according to the tracking, it will be here today before 3pm! now, imagine if you will, a 42 yr old woman doing the ‘happy dance’ in the middle of her living room.

i. kid. you. not.

damn it. it’s only 6am.

i’m such a geek. already thinking about the best way to get the rest of the old machine’s data into this new one. going to pull the drive and use the contents of ‘the geek box’ to attach it to the new machine long enough to rip the rest off it.

i’m kind of hoping there are a good few articles to write for work today. i’ve got extra energy (two nights in a row without insomnia… hurray!) and if not to work, i’ll likely be spinning out a few tiles later. perhaps some writing. perhaps even some LONG writing. heh.

this is the best all around day i’ve had in a while. i intend to ENJOY it. 🙂

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