random thoughts, related

it takes two to create anything worth having in this world.

wishful thinking is a sign that one would be two if it were possible. i think that must also be a sign that one is ready to create something worth having in this world. they seem related.

when the best you can give someone is wishes, or words, what you’re trying to give them is not the best, and might as well be nothing at all.

only an idealist, a child, or a fool will try when there is no hope of succeeding. that says a lot about idealists, children, and fools… i should know, i’m all three. frequently, fervently, and frighteningly.

someone read here and called me, worried that i was ‘alright’. i am as alright as any tempest in a teacup ever is, and likely better off than most. i have good friends, good health, and good prospects that each will continue for a time.

while i am discontent for the things i do not have, i am neither idealistic enough, childish enough, nor foolish enough to ruin the good things i have for it. i count it a stroke of fortune to have pragmatism as my ace in the hole.

if you take me at all, do so with a grain of salt. if this doesn’t help, make it a block. but for mercy’s sake, if you intend to take me at all, do it fully. anything else will undoubtedly prove pointless as that’s the only way the best of me is to be had.

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