battle of wills

well, it’s on. heh. figures i’d get the stubborn cat. i think intellect and stubbornness must be linked genetically. i’ve never met any being (person or animal) who had one and did NOT have the other.

including this cat. the weasel. heh.

step two in the progression of teaching a cat, yes, “you WILL use the litterbox” is to go from leaving their ‘leavings’ in it and hoping they will notice to closing them up in a small room with food, water, and the box and having them remain there until they use it.

all the better if you can manage to set their food dish in a place where they have made such a leaving. unbeknowst to my cat, choosing to take a dump by the drain of my tub/shower was a blessing in disguise.

so, the food dish proudly setting upon the cleaned spot where that offense occurred, water dish next to it, and litterbox just OUTSIDE the tub with the rather pungent leaving sitting ON TOP of the litter, just waiting to be covered AND the still stinky papertowel next to it.

now we wait.

i’ve already had to steel my heart against the “OMG I AM ALONEZ!” cries and the “OMG THERE IS A GODZILLA IN HERE!” panic attack cries and, even worse, the “omg…. you actually left me alone?!?!” peeps out of the room. we’re now up to the “claws will make short work of this door, human, then you shall fear my wrath…” stage.

litter training is serious business. but oooh he already knows how to pull at my heart. the weasel.

be thankful i am not yet the crazy cat lady who would actually feel the need to video tape the eventual “triumph”. heh.

note to self/reminder/rolling eyes thought #1: god DAMN cats have the worst smelling farts EVER.

note to self/reminder/rolling eyes thought #2: remember to softly rub kitty tummy when the cat is DOWNWIND from you.

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