mid-week muttering

not much of it, really… a good week, great weather, general contentment, and only mild irritation for lacking presence of one or two others.

i’ve re-established contact with a long-lost friend and that is proving enjoyable on many levels, not the least of which is meeting some of their friends and extending my network a bit. at distance, alas, but all the same, new friends are ever a blessing.

the cat is adjusting, albeit slowly. no longer hiding in the bathroom, but he is still stubbornly refusing to use the box. apparently, the drain in the tub/shower is his place of preference. in truth, if i can’t get him off of it, it isn’t so bad… urine goes down the drain and the rest is a quick scoop and drop into the toilet.

perspective, you know? heh. think of the savings on litter!

he’s sitting here by me on the desk…. purring up a storm. initial shyness gone, he’s now in the ‘follow me everywhere’ stage. cute stuff. a brief thought toward a fellow who’d …. but no. heh.


my daughter’s birthday was today. she is 20. the present i sent her got waylaid because UPS doesn’t keep good address records. bleh. so perhaps she will get it tomorrow. i can’t post it here until she has done so… so now we all wait.

in other news, no real other news from the fellow ‘across the pond’ i was trying to learn more of… part of me is sad for it because i think my other friend there has both good instincts and good taste and it would seem all that and my own enthusiasm are fairly moot. the other part of me is borderline annoyed. it’s not like i’m desperate or even prone to such as this manner of exploration. i got the sense this fellow is either already decided i’m pointless or has self-eliminated in some manner.

meh. letting it go. if a fellow doesn’t have interest, it is his loss.

in still other news, now that i’ve gotten the outline, character sketches, and a brief world geography outlined, i am suddenly disinterested in doing more. rather than push it, i’m going to let it idle a bit and see if it’s really disinterest or if there’s still something stewing and in need of contemplation ‘in the hopper’. most times, this is the feeling i get when ‘it isn’t ready yet’… so i’ve learned over time not to push it. we’ll see.

not much else at the moment. tomorrow is laundry day and not much more. i’m soothing my boredom by researching DITA further (trust me, you can’t know everything about it just yet) and considering a possible course of action for the first months of the new job.

i thought about putting a small vid up here, but i’m already in the jammies and the light are down for the night. maybe next time.

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