confirmation is never bad

confirmation of a few things today, most of which are positive.

i had to go out and get his majesty a new litterbox. turns out the old one was too large and intimidating, the temporary one was perfect size, but disposable. so today was to get one that was sturdier. now installed and he is USING IT even as i type, which is music to my ears for many reasons, all of which have to do with the longevity of my thrift store furniture!

so. i mentioned previously that the little prince was wheezing or coughing or choking. while i was picking up the pan, i quizzed the in-store vet’s office on it. naturally they recommended i bring him in. i explained that i had only just got him from the shelter two days ago and have about 14 days “guarantee” on him in the event of something serious cropping up, so i agreed it was best to bring him in… only i busted what budget i had in getting him in the first place. so it likely would have to wait until i started my new job and had a check under my belt.

she smiled and held a finger up to her mouth and reached under the desk and withdrew something and handed it to me. a coupon. for a free checkup/visit.

now tell me that i am not living right. this is like, the eighth time in less than a week someone has handed a free coupon for something to me. from the adoption to the sterilization to the movie coupon to a good many other things i cannot in the moment recall and now… this.

i feel as if i should buy a lottery ticket. heh.

so. he goes to the vet tomorrow at 4pm and we shall see what we shall see. in the meantime, i indulged an impulse and picked up something called (i kid you not) the ‘furinator’. heh. supposedly it pulls the undercoat and thins the outer coat and thus reduces shedding and dander.

i just used it on him and i swear he lost four pounds. not only this, i have enough fur in the trash to easily stuff a pillow. he is still majestically fluffy, but he’s no longer shedding. for the moment. i’ll be experimenting to see how often i need to do this to keep things happy for him and for me, but i suspect with summer coming on, this will become a favorite thing for him.

that’s all for now. dinner soon, then a movie. perhaps a game a bit later.

oh, almost forgot… the other confirmation was simply that not sitting around waiting for someone is not as bad as i thought it would be and i think, from now on, letting them ask for my company will be my preferred means of doing things. after all, if they ask, the chances i get stood up over it are practically nil.

i find i prefer nil to the ‘often’ i have experienced to date.

other confirmations include that in most cases, gut instinct is still damned (scarily) accurate, and being willing to let a thing go is much better than trying to hold it and being pulled nearly in two for it. there are one or two others that arrive today, but i’m not ready to talk about them just yet.

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