quotes of interest

Of interest to me, of course. The following deal with the concept of dakini in particular; her purpose, role, and method. Also of the triad in which she operates – compassion, love, and their expression via inspiration and union. Related quotes from various places as well.

“Sex is the seed, love is the flower, compassion is the fragrance.” – Osho

“Why do you take by force what you could obtain by love?” – Powhatan

“I am not suited to polite society, To social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions. I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt. I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life.” – Vajrayogini

“As a Dakini, I am a spiritual guide and inspirational muse. I nurture people along the path and encourage them towards liberation, as the spirit is such that will seek ever greater beauty and freedom when nourished.” – Golden Dakini

“Tantra loves, and loves unconditionally. It never says no to anything whatsoever, because everything is part of the whole, and everything has its own place in the whole, and the whole cannot exist with anything missing from it.” – Osho

“Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there…” – Rumi

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi

“Eros guides us to Logos.” – Plato

“The teaching of the whispered lineage is the Dakini’s breath.” – Milarepa

“Approach cooking and love with wild abandon.” – H.H. The Dali Lama

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