sold! (oops, not)

heh. as the title might suggest, the one item i was hoping would sell quickly seems to have done so. still waiting the paypal payment, but it should be here soo and when here, will be sufficiently to insure a happy first week new job.

the others may or may not sell, which is fine. there is an inquiry pending from a fellow running unbuntu, but i didn’t have his answer. told him to check the manufacturer page.

in other news, poor Daka is sneezing today….and i am ashamed to admit i find it humorous. i can’t help it. he staggers a bit when he sneezes and looks for all the world like he is soused.

we spent the morning developing pounce faction for the feather wand. heh. he loves to be tormented
by almost getting it, but not quite. that must be a male thing. (wry grin)

anyway. naught for today but staring at the walls or sleeping. so will likely turn back to bed. fun fun, eh? i suppose i should be thankful of a quiet life. i am, when i think on it

addendum: well, looks like i counted that chicken before it hatched. seems the fellow wanted me to pay for express shipment. er, no. so… we’ll see. maybe someone else will bite.

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